- sunset3
sunset3 - sunset2
sunset2 - sunset1
sunset1 - leslie gets sprayed
leslie gets sprayed - leslie steps carefully
leslie steps carefully - lone bird 2
lone bird 2 now, i like this picture, but i think we could sell it to some horrible company that would print it with a scary inspirational poem on the right side. something like "footprints." - lone bird
lone bird - ocean 3
ocean 3 - ocean 2
ocean 2 - bryan and leslie
bryan and leslie you'll notice that the earth is slightly askew on it's axis. everything is is wild in california - ocean super grass
ocean super grass - monterey trees
monterey trees - ocean
ocean - beach park
beach park - cutie house
cutie house - rich people live here
rich people live here - monterey house
monterey house - bryan does all the driving
bryan does all the driving - bryan and the turn
bryan and the turn - LS track
why does *he* get to drive on the track. how do *I* get down there? "Authorized vehicles only beyond this point," my ass. - famous turn
famous turn no, really. it is. they're all famous. i swear. - laguna seca sign
laguna seca sign bryan whines and whines until we go see laguna seca, if only from afar. - pimpin 2
pimpin' 2 - pimpin
pimpin' we saw this very cute old black couple with matching outfits (leather jackets, cream-colored leather shoes, and lots of rhinestones and gold). The were driving this monstrosity. 12 cylinders of jag goodness. - bryan pensive with whipped cream
bryan, pensive, with whipped cream - leslie and william
leslie and william that water was COLD! 53 degreesish. We knew we were in trouble when we saw that all the instructors were donning drysuits instead of wetsuits (dry suits being the thing you where when diving in the arctic and such). - buddies
buddies Anna and Leslie practiced skills together as Bryan ventured off into the kelp with another real diver. (or, rather, he would have done some venturing if his rental reg hadn't broken). - consulting
consulting - anna william leslie heili
anna, william, leslie, heili - leslie and co
leslie and co